Rote Post #9

Posted: Oktober 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #9

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Wir haben (k)eine Chance

Es ist Montagmorgen in Weimar-West, einer unseren großen Plattenbausiedlungen am Rande der Stadt. Während ein paar Kinder von ihren Eltern mit dem Auto zum hiesigen Gymnasium gebracht werden, im Gepäck das Musikinstrument für den nachmittäglichen Unterricht oder die Sporttasche für das Leichtathletiktraining am Abend, werden andere Kinder in einem kleinen Zimmer wach; mit dem tristen Blick aus dem Fenster: Auf Platten, kaputte Spielplätze und dem Wissen, dass der Tag nicht ganz so rosig werden wird, wie bei den meisten Gymnasiasten, die da am Fenster vorbeimarschieren. Mutti hat es eilig, nachdem sie aus einigen Jobs geflogen ist. Weil die Kinder zu oft krank waren, muss sie nun in eine Maßnahme vom Jobcenter. Zu spät kommen könnte für das Familieneinkommen üble Folgen haben. Papa ist schon in der Frühschicht, Mindestlohn. Das Geld ist knapp, die Wohnung ist klein, der Druck ist groß – Werden wir diesen Monat über die Runden kommen? Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #8

Posted: September 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #8

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Wer auf Tipico setzt, hat falsch gewettet

Geldprobleme gehören für die allermeisten Arbeiter zum Leben dazu. Wir müssen genau einteilen wann wir uns mal „etwas leisten“ können und etwas Banales wie ein kleiner Urlaub oder eine Autoreparatur kann schon mal zu einem großen Problem werden. Auf jeden Fall würde sich niemand von uns über mehr Geld beschweren.

Und genau an dieser Stelle lockt das Glücksspiel mit großen Gewinnen. Warum soll es denn nicht auch mal klappen können? Das große Los – nur einmal richtig tippen – und schon sind die Geldsorgen für immer erledigt, oder es ist zumindest mal für eine kleine Anschaffung oder einen Urlaub gesorgt. Ja, ganz vielleicht klappt es ja. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es sprichwörtlich wahrscheinlicher Präsident der USA zu werden als den berühmten 6er im Lotto zu ziehen (Präsident werden: 1 zu 10.000.000, 6er im Lotto: 1 zu 140.000.000). Und natürlich sind blinkende Merkurautomaten dafür gemacht, dass man mehr Geld reinsteckt als man rausbekommt. Das ist kein Geheimnis. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #7

Posted: August 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #7

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Kein Sport für unsere Klasse?

Wenn man sich an seine Kindheit zurück erinnert, werden viele wohl mit Nostalgie auf die unzähligen Stunden zurück blicken, die wir auf Bolzplätzen, in Sportvereinen und Turnhallen verbracht haben. Und auch in der Schulzeit war der Sportunterricht wohl für viele noch eins der angenehmeren Fächer, immerhin besser als in einem stickigen Klassenzimmer zu pauken. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #6

Posted: Juli 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #6

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Duschen im Sonnenland

Was klingt wie ein Bericht über eine Erfrischung im Sommerurlaub, beschreibt eine völlig andere Situation. Es ist Juli, und das Thermometer zeigt die heißesten Tage des Jahres an. Weit über 25 Grad im Schatten. Tage, an denen einem der Schweiß nur so runter läuft und man sich nach einem harten Arbeitstag nichts mehr wünscht, als unter der Dusche zu stehen. In der Siedlung Billstedt Sonnenland ist das nicht so einfach. Denn, im „Sonnenland“ sind seit geraumer Zeit Duschcontainer aufgestellt, weil es Stadt und SAGA (ein Unternehmen, das vollständig der Stadt Hamburg gehört und zeitgleich der mit Abstand größte Vermieter in Hamburg ist, mit im Jahr 2017 fast 1 Milliarde Umsatz und 200 Millionen Profit bei über 130.000 Mietwohnungen) nicht hinbekommen, notwendige Reparaturen an beschädigten Gas-Rohrleitungen vorzunehmen. Dadurch haben die anliegenden Wohnhäuser kein Heißwasser. Auch die Heizungen fielen deshalb aus, was aber im Moment noch kein Problem ist. Read the rest of this entry »

Editorial Staff of Class Position in the international meeting in Paris about 68’s rebellions

Posted: Juni 5th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Klassenstandpunkt | Kommentare deaktiviert für Editorial Staff of Class Position in the international meeting in Paris about 68’s rebellions
Proletarians of all Countries, unite!
Contribution of the Editorial Staff of Class Position
Dear Comrades,
Dear Friends,

in the name of the Editorial Staff of Class Position we welcome this seminary on occasion of the 50th anniversary of the struggles in 1968. We salute the efforts of the maoist Communist Party of France and proletari communisti to organize this activity and warmly extend our revolutionary greetings to the various international delegations.

50 years ago, turmoil that swept over Europe sparking fierce mass struggles and, later on, a raising of the level in the application of revolutionary violence. For it is an important discussion within the International Communist Movement and we were particularly asked to do so, our contribution is aimed to elaborate on the question of revolutionary violence in its highest form, that is to say People’s War. The struggle to uphold defend and apply marxism-leninism-maoism on this matter in the FRG has recently advanced, as a lengthy document on this matter was published by the Editorial Staff of Class Position to develop critics towards hoxhaist misconceptions within the revolutionary movement. We consider it of utmost importance to impose Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, as the sole guidance and command of the International Communist Movement on the path of the Proletarian World Revolution. Any doubts or revisionist deviations aimed at distorting the nature of People’s War must be exposed and firmly cast aside.

The founders of our Ideology, Marx and Engels, analysed that since the emergence of class society violence has been “the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one.” and that “The working classes would have to conquer the right to emancipate themselves on the battlefield” And Engels further stated that “The emancipation of the proletariat, too, will have its particular military expression, it will give rise to a specific, new method of warfare. Cela est clair.” the omnipotence of revolutionary violence is crystal clear as Chairman Mao states that Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

No Communist Party in an imperialist country has ever waged People’s War. For those who are planning to initiate People’s War in an imperialist country, we have to first grasp, what we are actually talking about. There can be made no advance in the application of the People’s War if there remains uncertainty about its aspects and principles. In the end, if you do not establish what People’s War is, how will you apply it? Hence, to develop a cohesive comprehension of this matter, we base ourself on the experience and developments of the Communist Party of Peru, who contributed in systematising and clarifying the universality of People’s War. The People’s War is the military theory of the international proletariat; in it are summarized, for the first time in a systematic and complete form, the theoretical and practical experience of the struggles, military actions, and liberation wars waged by the proletariat, and the prolonged experience of the people’s armed struggle and especially of the incessant wars in China. It is waged to gain victory in the new-democratic, socialist and cultural revolution; for the conquest of power. It is lead by the vanguard of the proletariat, the militarized Communist Party based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism in the respective country.

We have to concretize that, that means developing approaches to a military line, what, above all, has to be driven by the reconstituted Communist Party in this country. The military line is the law that determines People’s War for the conquest and the maintenance of power. It consists of three elements:

1. The People‘s War, which in our specific case isn’t a unified People‘s War, because the New Power will only be built in the cities, while at the countryside only operational points will happen.

2. The construction of the revolutionary armed forces, which in our specific case is a Red Guerrilla Army, with the special feature of the incorporation of the militias to advance to the sea of armed masses.

3. The strategy and tactics expressed by the enemy’s encircling and extermination campaigns and our counter-operations of encirclement and annihilation, which must be specified by the application of political and military plans. Those have political strategy and military strategy, they concretize in campaigns with specific content.

Many a time we heard that People’s War would not be applicable in the imperialist countries for one reason or another. But no evidence for this has yet been presented. Instead, a look at the four fundamental aspects of People’s War and their concretization for the Peruvian reality made by the CPP shows that they are also very valid for the reality in the imperialist countries, if one not attempts to mechanically copy them.

The Communist Party of Peru writes:

1) The ideology of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism that must be specified in a guiding thought—therefore we base ourselves on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, primarily the latter;

2) The need for the Communist Party of Peru that leads the People’s War;

3) The Pe0ple’s War is specified as a peasant war that follows the road of surrounding the cities from the countryside; and

4) Support Bases or the New Power, the construction of the Support Bases, which is the essence of the path of surrounding the cities from the countryside.

Applying the essence of these four vital characteristics, for the situation in the imperialist countries once can determine:

1. Apply Maoism! The need for a creative application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, (today with the contributions of the Chairman Gonzalo, Gonzalo Thought) on the specific conditions, developing specific ideas for a specific country.

2. The leadership of the Communist Party, a militarized Communist Party.

3. People‘s War is war of the masses.

4. Establishment of the New Power. The main aspect of the revolutionary war. We have to destroy the enemy to create the new. Generate solutions to the problems that change reality.

1. Hence, to understand the universal character of People’s War, the questions of the Ideology, the Party, the role of the masses and the New Power must be further discussed.

The question of ideology ranks first, because only through the consistent application of the ideology of our class the way to victory of the proletarian revolution is secured. Thereby, the important thing is the application to the existing conditions of the respective country. While for the parties in the oppressed nations the democratic revolution is on the agenda, for us in the imperialist countries it is the socialist revolution. But that doesn’t imply that there is an ideology for the oppressed nations and one for the imperialist. The proletariat is a worldwide class and therefore has only one ideology.

By applying our ideology to the class struggle in a specific, a guiding thought that systematizes the laws of the class struggle of the country, is evolved. We can see in history that even if the Communists had a program and a general political line and excellent conditions for the development of the revolution, they failed to live up to their responsibility to the proletariat and peoples of the world, because they didn’t solve the specific problems of the revolution in the respective country by going beyond the general forms. There is a very significant example in Germany, where the leadership of the — by that time – second largest Communist Party in the world, with its own clandestine and highly developed military apparatus, didn’t go beyond the genera guidelines of the Communist International and didn’t creatively use Marxism to solve new problems. So it failed to initiate and maintain the revolutionary armed struggle.

2. The question of the party is the question of the organization of our class. It unites the best children of our class. The party must always carry the rifles, never repent, otherwise the revolution gets lost. Every member of the Communist Party must be a combatant and must be able to lead the revolutionary war in practice and theory.

When talking about a militarized Communist Party we also have to understand the meaning of the concept of militarization. The militarization of the party describes the amount of all adjustments and accommodations that must be made in order to be able to lead the People’s War under all conditions. In this regard, “the concentric construction of the three instruments of the Party and in synthesis it is summarized in what Chairman Gonzalo teaches: “The Party is the axis of everything, it leads the three instruments in an all-round way, its own construction, it absolutely leads the army and the new State as a joint dictatorship aiming toward the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Before the initiation of the People’s War, everything serves to initiate it, and when it is initiated, everything serves to develop it. Likewise, in the imperialist nations. The Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in the imperialist nations do not wait for the People‘s War in the oppressed nations. The Marxist- Leninist-Maoists develop revolutionary practice in perspective of the People‘s War in their Country, putting proletarian internationalism always in the first place to serve the world revolution.

3. People‘s War is a war of the masses and there are masses in the imperialist countries, too. In the oppressed nations, mainly poor peasants under the leadership of the proletariat, are the main force of the revolution. In our situation in the imperialist countries, this is the proletariat, and especially its deepest and widest masses, being the main force of the revolution, on which we must rely. It’s not the question of encircling the cities from the country here, but of urban work, while paying attention to the difference between large, medium and small cities.

In the People’s War the popular masses are the decisive factor and if there are comrades armed with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, then the problem of weapons can be solved quite simply. “The Masses are the Makers of History” isn’t an empty mantra, in the revolutionary war it very clearly becomes reality. The question of whether or not the revolutionary war can exist in the imperialist countries is a question of the politicization, mobilization, organization and arming of the masses. Only with the support of the masses will the army, led by the Party, be able to wage and perpetuate the revolutionary war. There is enough evidence and experience of the international proletariat and peoples of the world, proving that it’s possible to conduct revolutionary war in the imperialist and urban areas, that it’s possible to carry out armed actions in cities for a long time.

The rich and numerous experiences of the partisans during the Second World War especially in France and Italy, with the struggles developed for example by the Groups of Patriot Action under the leadership of the Communist Party of Italy, show how armed actions in cities can be developed for a long time.

So the question is, how do the masses win, how do the masses organize? This leads us to the problem of the „three with“. This means that the communists must live, work and fight with the deepest and broadest masses. Every communist must have the opportunity at their home area to connect with the masses, to participate in their struggles and to provide to their struggles with orientation, to show direction. Everywhere they have to promote the initiative of the masses. To realize the „three with“ means to actually apply the principle of dedicating the whole life of the Revolution. Who really implements the „three with“, knows that the deepest and widest masses are much more the single mothers on the outskirts than the young men with pit bull in the neighborhood. \/Vho really implements the „three with“ knows that building a proletarian feminist mass organization is much more important than a rap video with masculine poses. Who really implements the „three with“, builds no youth gang, but the party, the army and the front. For the masses, the communists must be normal. It must be normal for the masses to see the red flag wave and the hammer and sickle glint.

Each class has always brought forth its own form of waging war, and its own strategy. And always, the superior strategy has defeated the inferior strategy, and the new class always has the superior strategy and that’s what people’s war is. There is evidence to prove this. There are military analysts who put it like this: communists, when they have applied their principles, have never lost a war; they have only lost wars when they have not applied their principles.

4. Areas of the New Power or base areas aren’t synonymous with a „liberated area“ in the sense that the reaction is no longer able to enter these areas. It’s the question of the fluidity of the People‘s War, it’s not about conquering and holding territories, but about establishing forms of the New Power, so to regulate the lives of the people.

During the People’s War, the revolutionary forces destroy the living power of the enemy following the basic principal to preserve one‘s own forces and destroy the enemy forces. Where the enemy was decisively defeated, the New Power is built with the revolutionary army as its backbone to destroy the old power.

You can’t destroy the enemy without building your own strength out of inferiority and building the New Power. In the contradiction of construction (with its core, the new power) and destruction (of the old state) the construction is the main issue! The construction of the New Power is therefore the heart of the People‘s War. If one handles this contradiction correctly, then the People‘s War is invincible, because the objective conditions are on the side of the people.

In the imperialist countries it can be assumed that, above all, this work must concentrate on the proletarian neighbourhoods of the cities. If in such a neighborhood the work has developed so far that one begins to regulate the life in the quarter and to make the life of the masses as good as possible, that does not mean that the old state was smashed. Here it is necessary to mobilize the masses and to create a movement. Otherwise there is the danger of becoming a complement to the old state and developing social work.

We hope the this brief summation of the article in Class Position issue 15″‘ is helpful to develop the debate on this issue and hope the comrades study the document in question. Also, we welcome every criticism on it.

There is one important limitation in our article. We do not expand more specifically upon our investigation and analysis of the armed struggle in Germany and the armed struggles in Europe.

And this, of cause, is a strong limitation for the article. We will let all the comrades know through the proper channels what we have advanced in this regard.

We also take this opportunity to invite all comrade to participate in the great international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx witch will take place in Bremen on the upcoming weekend. It will be a celebration with delegations from many countries in Europe and the world, revolutionary music and cultural contributions. Thank you comrades for the opportunity to participate in this celebration. We conclude by saying:

Unite under Maoism!

Death to revisionisml

Alé nuveaux partisan! / Forward the New Partisans!


Editorial Staff of Class Position

June 2018

Rote Post #5

Posted: Juni 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #5

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Sexuelle Übergriffe auf der Arbeit

„Neulich wurde ich auf meiner Arbeit angegrapscht. Ein Mann, der doppelt so alt ist wie ich, und den ich vom Sehen kannte, kam zu mir, begrüßte mich und fasste mir dabei absichtlich an den Hintern.“ berichtete uns letztens eine junge Frau. Das ist kein Einzelfall. Immer wieder erzählen uns Frauen von widerlichen Chefs, Kollegen und Kunden, die denken, dass Frauen anscheinend Freiwild sind. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #4

Posted: Mai 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #4

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Über das Kopftuchverbot
Gegen Assimilation

Die deutsche Bourgeoisie inszeniert sich gerne kinderlieb. Und damit meinen wir nicht die immer wiederkehrenden Pädophilieskandale bei diesem verrottetem Pack. Seit Anfang April gibt es eine öffentliche Debatte über ein Koptftuchverbot an Schulen für Mädchen unter vierzehn Jahren. Diese Debatte wurde in Hamburger Arbeitervierteln durch Flugblätter der Internetseite Realität Islam aufgegriffen. Es ist ein Streit zwischen zwei reaktionären Strömungen. Deshalb wollen wir in dieser Frage einen proletarischen Klassenstandpunkt vertreten. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #3

Posted: April 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #3

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Teuer, eng, schimmelig – Wohnen in Hamburg

„Hamburg ist die schönste Stadt der Welt.“ – Ein Satz, den wohl jeder Hamburger kennt. Viele würden ihn unterschreiben. Tatsächlich bietet die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes viele Annehmlichkeiten: Ausgedehnte Grünflächen und Parks, einen der größten Häfen Europas, mehr Brücken als Venedig … Alles Ergebnis davon, dass die BRD ein imperialistisches Land ist. Aber wie sieht es mit den Wohnungen aus, in denen Hamburger leben? Klar, die Hütten hier erscheinen im Gegensatz zu denen der dritten Welt wie schöne Häuser, trotzdem liegt hier einiges im Argen. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #2

Posted: März 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #2

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Der Spass ist zu teuer, von uns kriegt ihr nüscht!

Verspätungen, dreckige, überfüllte, kaputte Züge und Busse, die zu früh oder zu spät abfahren, übermüdete und überarbeitete Fahrer, aggressive Kontrolleure, die man eher auf einer HoGeSaDemo oder in einem Gangsta-Rap-Video erwarten würde und das alles für einen dicken Batzen Kohle. All das kennen wir von den Monopolen der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) und der Berliner S-Bahn. Die BVG wirbt mit dem Slogan „Weil wir euch lieben“ aber das ist nicht, was sie antreibt. Es geht um den Profit und darum, die Infrastruktur des Staates sicherzustellen. Besonders auf Ersteres möchten wir im Folgenden eingehen. Read the rest of this entry »

Rote Post #1

Posted: Februar 1st, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Rote Post | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rote Post #1

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Alkohol macht unsere Leute kaputt

Alkohol ist in unserer Klasse ein sehr großes Problem. Die Arbeiterklasse ist jeden Tag Aggressionen und ekelhaften Arbeitsbedingungen, Demütigungen und Schikanen, Armut und sich daraus ergebenden Konflikten in der Familie oder mit Freunden ausgesetzt. Um damit umzugehen, wird sich schon mal der Kopp zugekippt. Dies schadet nicht nur dem eigenen Körper, sondern zieht oft das ganze soziale Umfeld mit in den Abgrund. Trotzdem ist Saufen gesellschaftlich akzeptiert, im Gegensatz zu anderen illegalen Drogen, bei denen sich alle in der Ablehnung einig sind, was den Umgang schwieriger macht. Hier wird an verschiedenen Beispielen diese Problematik dargestellt. Das sind keine Antworten, sondern Anreize nachzudenken. Read the rest of this entry »